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Maestro Marco Brolli, International concert artist, Baroque Flute Teacher at Civica Scuola di Musica "C. Abbado" (Milan) and Music Academy "A. Boito" (Parma)
Hotteterre “Le Romain”
Paris, 1684-1763
The original instrument, preserved in the Musical Museum of Bruxelles, is in three parts following the French style. The foot has a very rich look and it is entirely made of ivory. The particular thickness and weight of this last part, further increases the sound volume of every flute note.
The cap, extremely long and mostly empty, at the headjoint end, counterbalances the weight of the rest of the flute maintaining the instrument well balanced in hands. This allows the intensive usage of "flatement" typical of the French musical stile of that period.
The full and dark sound, given by the internal bore dimension, the rings weight and a very low pitch (one tone below the modern 440 Hz) makes this instrument an ideal flute for playing early French Baroque music.
Pitch - A: 392 Hz.
Can be requested in European Boxwood, Blackwood Grenadillo or Synthetic Ebony.